Noerenberg Memorial Gardens, formerly a private family estate, was created after a tragic loss. After losing their daughter, the Noerenberg family demolished the house and created a public garden in her memory.

The gardens are beneficial to wildlife as well, this Hydrangea was literally covered with bees and wasps. I don't think I've ever seen as many insects on one plant before. I don't remember which Hydrangea this was. If anybody knows, please chime in! Another part of the garden was sectioned off for nesting turtles.

This tree was covered with these giant seed pods and was very interesting. Another plant I don't have the name of, anybody know?!

And I love Sporobolus heterolepis, Prarie Dropseed, whether it's in or out of flower. I've yet to try it here in the SF Bay Area though. Hopefully it can deal with a bit less summer humidity.